brisk walk in the park when you feel your


Create a Stress Management Plan- Managing Fibromyalgia

Stressful events sometimes trigger episodes of fibromyalgia, which is why it can be crucial to keep stress to a minimum. While life stresses are inevitable, you might see the value in management techniques to reduce their impact. Mindfulness meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and even a brisk walk in the park when you feel your  rising might all allow you to keep your fibromyalgia symptoms under control. 


Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

Fatigue is one of the main symptoms experienced by people living with fibromyalgia, resulting from your body trying to manage its pain. However, fibromyalgia might also cause you to experience insomnia, meaning you’re tired but unable to sleep. 

Minor changes to your sleep hygiene might make a difference, such as going to bed at the same time each evening and getting up at the same time each morning. Making your bedroom a place of sleep and removing all electronics from the room might also be beneficial changes for some people. 


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brisk walk in the park when you feel your

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